How to Resolve Anxiety for Good

Arun Chandro Ray
2 min readNov 24, 2020


Ever wonder why all the hours of therapy, yoga, meditation and everything else you’ve tried were ultimately powerless to stop anxiety from cropping up over and over?

In your search for answers, have you noticed the general emphasis on coping techniques as opposed to solutions?

The collective is programmed to run from, compartmentalize and judge feelings of anxiety… and all the emotions hiding beneath it.

The solution (and yes, there really is a solution) is not in forcibly changing your behavior, thoughts, or feelings. The only way to resolve anxiety for good is to befriend it, learn from it, and let it guide you through the veil into the very real world below your conscious surface.

Here’s how you can get started.

1. Stop distracting yourself from your pain and face it

Get real with yourself. How much of what you do is motivated by the urge to avoid your hardest feels?

There’s no shortage of convenient ways to numb out, from substance abuse to Netflix culture, from busywork to social scrolling, it’s much easier to live in denial than to take action to break through this ironically uncomfortable comfort zone.

Notice how the more you avoid your painful feelings, the more intense their expression when they inevitably explode in your face?

Compare that to a time you did something you were scared of, and they weren’t afraid of it anymore afterward. You had to evolve past your own limits to do it, but you did it!

Make the choice to focus on doing the thing you’re most scared of — feeling everything you’ve previously avoided feeling. It will propel you past your self-imposed limits, but you can do it!

What is the first feeling you know you’re avoiding?

2. Listen to what anxiety is trying to show you about yourself

Anxiety is a wake-up call.

It is the collective din of your own denied emotions rising up against you until you acknowledge, befriend, learn from and help them to evolve. more details……



Arun Chandro Ray

Digital Marketing Manager|| Social Media Manager || YouTube Marketing Manager || Graphics Designer